24 ноября 2007 г.

Interview with Maki from doshdosh

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Interview with one of the most known blogger, writing about earnings online. His blog has great readership — more than 8000 subscribes!
Meet Maki from doshdosh!

Hello Maki! How you came to the idea of creating your own blog?

Hi, Kopernik! I actually started the blog as a hobby, basically to record down my experiments with certain money making programs I was trying. I thought a blog would be a good way to keep track so I just started one day without much thought.

I know that you started to blogging on the platform blogger.com, but now have shifted to WordPress. By what reason? What is inconvenient for you in blogger.com?

I moved to Wordpress because the Wordpress platform allows me to have a lot more flexibility and features. Because I was interested in expanding my website, moving and owning my own domain name seem like a natural progression as well.

In Russia, the monetization of blogs is just started, while in an English-speaking segment, many successful bloggers receive very seductive sums from blogs. My readers are interested on the profit you receive presently from a blog? Is it possible to call you a professional blogger?

I wouldn't actually call myself a professional blogger although I do make a good amount of money from blogs alone every month. I won't say how much but I would say that it is definitely more than enough to pay for rent and all the other necessities.

Which actions did you undertake to promote your blog?

I love to network online and basically I spend a good amount of time chatting with people and building relationships. Basically creating good content and emailing bloggers to let them know that its published is a good thing to do. Never assume that a blogger is reading your blog. Always share your great posts.

Do you give a lot of time to your blog?

Yes I would say I spend quite a lot of time on my blog. A few hours a day is usually normal for me. I love writing as well and time passes really fast when you're having fun.

If beginners come to you with questions about online earning, do you help them? In what cases will you not help them?

I will always try to help everyone who asks me questions about making money online. The only cases where I won't help is when I don't know anything about the specific method they are asking about. I would however try to pass the person's contact to another blogger who might be able to help.

Is it a solid audience 1000 subscribers for an English-speaking blog?

Yes 1000 subscribers is a pretty solid number and anyone who has that kind of readership should be proud of his or her efforts.

Why do you always illustrate posts of pictures with anime?

I started doing so because I personally am a huge anime fan and thought it would add some color to the posts. After a while I realize it would be a good way to brand the blog and make it distinct from the other sites out there. I guess it kind a stuck since then. I've had mostly good feedback about it so I'm hoping that most people out there fancy the anime pictures too!

Hundreds of methods of how to earning in the internet are described in your blog. Did you really try all these?

Yes, I've personally tried every method I've written about. Actually, there are quite a number that I don't talk about (Ebay powerselling, affiliate marketing) because I'm not too skilled in those fields. I try to only write about things I have some experience about.

Many peoples in Russia do not disclose their incomes which come from the internet, and they do not pay taxes. Do you pay taxes from your earnings in the Network?

No, I don't pay taxes from the income I generate through the blog.

Are you a wealthy person by Canadian measures?

No, I don't think I'm really a wealthy person. I'm a little above average I guess. :)

You are young and study at the university, but soon studies will end. Where will you go further? Will you go for an official work or you will remain online?

Hmmm.. that's a little hard to say. I would definitely continue my websites because I enjoy creating and maintaining them. I might get a job or travel elsewhere to see the world. It all depends.. the future is as yet, a big unknown.

What is the secret of a successful blogging? What do you consider are the most effective methods of promoting a blog?

Networking with influential people and social media marketing are the two most important ways to promote a blog. I wrote more about the secret to a popular blog in this article.

How much have claimed the copywriter profession in your country?

There are quite a lot of copywriters around here.. its considered to be a respectable profession. Many people work from home while offering freelance copywriting services.

What kinds of earnings in the internet do you consider as the most profitable?

I would say creating a fantastic website which provides content or features that are attractive to a large number of people. This can come in the form of a web-based tool or a blog. I personally think that large blogs can be very profitable indeed and they are usually rather easy to maintain.

Who in a blogging is the authority to you?

Darren Rowse from Problogger can be considered to be an authority blogger.

What else do you engage in except blog online? What are your other sources of income?

I do a little affiliate marketing and run some niche websites on top of blogging. No other source of income apart from the amount of money I make online.

What do you know about Russia? Do you have acquaintances in our country? Would you like to visit Russia? Which Russian do you know? In your country, what kind of relationship exists with Russia?

Russia has beautiful women and is pretty cold during the winters. Country with the greatest land mass in the world. Has great literature and artists. That's roughly some impressions I have of it. Yes I would love to visit Russia. I don't know any Russian and I think Canada has a great relationship with Russia, there are quite a few Russian-Canadians around here in Toronto.

What do you engage in apart from the Internet? What are your hobbies?

I'm a big martial arts fan and I love to exercise. Used to do a little skateboarding and I love playing basketball as well (it's my favorite sport). Other than that, I like to hang out with friends and go to clubs.

Do you play computer games? What are your favourites?

No I don't really play computer games. I used to play a little and the strategy games like Romance of the Three Kingdoms were my favorites.

If there was a suggestion to sell a blog, on what sum would you agree?

Something in the six figure range might be tempting enough. :)

What can you wish to Russian-speaking bloggers?

I wish they were more active on the social media websites like StumbleUpon so I can meet them more! I haven't had the chance to find too many through em. I would love to have more russian bloggers coming over and leaving comments on doshdosh haven't seen any yet.

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2 комментария:

Igor Berger комментирует...

Maki, Спасибаб те миня встрётил но те незнал што я Рускиь. Была жарашо стабой пазнакомитза на
Спинни, так тваяа мичта сашлась!


Maki, I may not be Sphinning now, but I still read your stuff.

Kopernik комментирует...

Игорь, боюсь, что Майки по-русски не поймет, если можно назвать то, что вы написали "русским языком".